December 10, 2012

Frozen Fire

I recently started reading Frozen Fire by Tim Bowler - after I borrowed it from my 6th grader.  This book has affirmed a current theory I've been considering.  The term, or rather the entire genre, MYSTERY seems to have taken on a new, more diverse meaning.  My current understanding is that mystery is now synonymous with "I'm not going to tell you anything."  Let me explain...

Recently I read The Maze Runner trilogy.  While I enjoyed the books, I was often confused - not incredibly confused, but rather I couldn't visualize what was occurring.  I appreciate a book that doesn't spell everything out for me, but sometimes I was so in the dark that I don't think I was connecting with the book.  My confusion didn't keep me from reading, but I will say my enjoyment was negatively impacted.  Because many points were confusing, I do not think I connected with scenes or characters as I should have.

Now to clear up my genre associations.  I mentioned the genre mystery while The Maze Runner trilogies and Frozen Fire are not mysteries.  Instead these books fall under the genre of science fiction and.... supernatural?

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